
Mobile Fueling is better for Us and the Environment

Mobile Fueling is better for Us and the Environment

By: Shazia Raheel

DelSys isn’t only about convenience. It’s also about responsibly serving and improving our communities by delivering gas directly to the customer. Our 100% carbon-neutral mini tankers drive a simpler supply chain, with 50% fewer fuel transfers than a gas station, fewer vapor emissions, and no ground-polluting underground fuel storage tanks. Conventional gas stations rely on underground storage tanks (USTs) for their gasoline reserves, which pose threats to fire safety and the drinking water supply. As of March 2020, there have been more than 550,000 confirmed leaks in USTs nationwide. These kinds of spills are hazardous to the environment and cost taxpayers tens of billions every year.

​In Pakistan, an average of 40 gallons of gasoline is spilled annually at 18,000+ gas stations according to data scientists at Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority. That’s over 1 million gallons of gasoline spilled per year. That much gas could get you and your car around the world 2 times to put that in perspective.

One of the keys to creating such a friendly environment is by hiring the right people. DelSys’s service professionals are trained to avoid spillage and our fuel delivery vehicles cannot be overfilled.